In 2017, Travel Insurance Direct (TID) embarked on a full rebranding and redesign project.
This project was about improvement, and ensuring the best possible outcome for TID users. The brand was well established, and the site performing well – so we weren’t asked to fix problems, but rather to look to the future and ensure the website was set up to position TID as a genuine market leader.
The project was split into several phases. First, in combination with a branding specialist, we executed a deep-dive enquiry into what their users really wanted. The regulatory structure of their industry was also a key consideration. As well as analysing existing statistics, we conducted extensive testing with real users, looking into the site language, tone of voice and expectation; as well as our standard review of the UX/UI. The challenge here, which we tested and retested, was getting users the correct information as quickly as possible, while still being informative, and meeting regulatory requirements.
A particular focus was placed on the millennial audience, who were thinking about insurance for the first time. We explored what they found most important, in the short term, and what would make them return.
The website solution we developed, integrating the new brand, is fun, inventive and visually striking. It acknowledges the mixed level of knowledge in the community about insurance, and seeks to inform users as they go. Users are presented with information relevant to their behaviour and personal circumstances. Most importantly, the site showcases the fact that TID are committed to providing quality service and assisting users throughout their journey.